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Professor Kathleen C. Kim

Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion
Professor of Law & Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School

Los Angeles, California

Kathleen Kim is a Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion at Loyola Law School, LMU in Los Angeles.  Her scholarship, teaching and legal advocacy focus on human trafficking and immigrants’ rights.  Her writing appears in the UCLA Law Review, Iowa Law Review, and University of Chicago Law Forum, among others.  She is co-author of Human Trafficking Law and Policy, the leading casebook on human trafficking.  She helped to found the Loyola Immigrant Justice Clinic as faculty supervisor.  Previous to joining Loyola, Professor Kim launched the first legal services project in the nation representing the civil rights of immigrant trafficked workers.  She began the project as a Skadden Fellow and carried it forward as a staff attorney at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights.  She later became the inaugural Immigrants’ Rights Teaching Fellow at Stanford Law School.

Professor Kim served as a gubernatorial appointee to the first California Department of Justice Alliance to Combat Trafficking and Slavery and co-authored the California Trafficking Victims Protection Act.  As a Los Angeles Police Commissioner from 2013 to 2016, Professor Kim helped to enact departmental reforms that increased protection of Los Angeles’ immigrant community and others vulnerable to violent crimes including human trafficking.  In 2014, Los Angeles Magazine named her one of Los Angeles’ ten most inspiring women. In 2016, The National Jurist selected her as one of twenty law professor “Leaders in Diversity.”  Professor Kim received her J.D. from Stanford Law School where she was a Judge Takasugi Public Interest Fellow and an editor for the Stanford Law Review.  She received her B.A. in philosophy with high distinction from the University of Michigan.