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Lisa Lungren

By June 25, 2019

Lisa Lungren, M.A., National Outreach Coordinator – Immigration and Anti-Trafficking, manages public outreach, constituent education, and resource development for two national Catholic anti-human trafficking campaigns at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). She also helps to convene USCCB’s Coalition of Catholic Organizations against Human Trafficking (CCOAHT), a group of over 30 national and international Catholic agencies working to eliminate the plight of trafficked victims.

Ms. Lungren previously oversaw the development and implementation of multi- and cross sector initiatives in Mexico, Colombia, and Panama to combat illicit activity and promote the rule of law (a culture of lawfulness). The project, which involved faith-based leaders from the Catholic Church, as well as stakeholders from civil society and law enforcement, was recognized by the U.S. Department of State, the World Bank, and United Nations as an effective crime and corruption prevention strategy.